Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Housing Appointment

My biggest concern moving to Okinawa was a home. I simply could not picture what a house would look like in such a foreign place. It is very difficult to move somewhere new without knowing exactly where you are going to be living!

I also did not know what our options would be due to all the rules governing housing. There are many military bases on Okinawa, and Matt works on Camp Schwab which is the northernmost base on the island. There is no family housing on Camp Schwab or even the next base to the south. However, there is a rule stating that Matt cannot be offered housing on base that results in a commute time over 60 minutes. Right off the bat we were restricted to three bases with housing on the northern side of the island. If housing is at less than 98% capacity we are required to live on base so that the military is not paying to maintain empty housing. Our sponsors arrived when housing was at 100% capacity so that they were required to live off-base. There is a very slim margin when you get any say in the matter. Also, housing is categorized by rank so that officers only live with other officers and not junior or senior enlisted, so capacity on base might differ depending on your rank. 

I was anxious for the housing appointment that lets you know if you can live on or off base. It was scheduled for Tuesday morning. Monday morning Matt and I both woke up at four in the morning (thanks jet lag), and lounged around for a while. Our sponsor was going to pick Matt up and show him around Camp Schwab, so Matt got ready as I relaxed in my pajamas. Our sponsor called and said the housing appointment had been moved to Monday morning, and I only had fifteen minutes before he arrived to pick us up. I hurried to brush my teeth and wash my face. I could not believe that I had been awake for four hours and not taken the time to get ready. 

We arrived on Camp Courtney for the housing appointment. We were joined in the conference room by  two Combat Engineer Officers who had graduated in Matt's class and their wives. We first had to discuss all of the rules that I have already explained, and finally we got down to the capacity numbers. Camp Courtney was only at 58% for officers, so we finally knew we were living on base! Usually it takes a few days for them to put everyone in order of rank and determine what housing is available, but since there was so much available and we were all the same rank we got to see the housing right after the meeting! 

The military is required to give you two options. And they did. Usually they show you homes on two different bases or two different styles of houses (apartment or townhouse). We were given the choice between Room 302 or 304 on the same floor in the same building. Thanks, Marine Corps. 

But I love what we got!!!

We were assigned to the towers which is a nine story building of apartments. Our apartment on the third floor is newly renovated. We could not live on a higher floor because they are not finished with those yet. Everything is brand spanking new! I also love the location. We are on Camp Courtney which has its own library, commissary, gym, and movie theater. The towers are right next to the base gate, so we are within walking distance of local restaurants. I cannot wait to move in Thursday!

The combination living and dining room with a balcony. 

Newly renovated kitchen! 
One of two bathrooms!
The master bedroom (one of three) with a balcony! 


  1. oh! I see you have a guest room for me! hehe -Sara

  2. Looks really nice Amanda and very spacious. I know you'll have fun decorating it.
