Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Haircut

I have my ponytail sitting on my kitchen counter right now. My hair grew so long that I went Salon Blue in Holly Ridge, NC and had eight inches cut off today. I am donating my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. They create wigs that are given to the American Cancer Society. I chose this charity partly because they accept eight inches of donated hair, and I was too chicken to cut off the ten that other charities require. If you would like to learn more you can go to their website at Now I have to go mail my ponytail!


  1. Congrats Amanda! I donated 12 inches to Locks of Love several years ago...but have been too chicken to do it again, haha.

  2. Twelve inches is a huge change! Eight inches is drastic enough.

  3. I sure enjoy reading your blog. Hope u continue this when u get to Okanaw.
