Friday, May 30, 2014

The Secret Vacation Part 1: The Ferry

For Memorial Day Matt had a long weekend, so I decided to plan our first vacation off the island - and keep it a secret! Matt was given a packing list and directions to the Motobu port where our vacation began. Our ferry only left once a day, so we arrived promptly at nine, purchased tickets, and climbed aboard the largest boat I have ever seen!

The bottom half of the ferry was cargo. I wasn't sure what to expect on the boat when I saw that we were sharing our ride with livestock!

Our fellow passengers. Bulls!

We climbed up stairs that were attached to the side of the ship. We went up at least two stories before our tickets were taken and we were allowed inside the ferry which reminded me of...

A super swanky hotel!

The information desk.

The grand staircase.

The convenience store.

While the ferry did have some tables and chairs, most of the passengers found the sleeping rooms. You slipped off your shoes before you stepped onto the carpeted area. Mats were laid out on the floor with one blanket and pillow per mat. Matt can sleep anywhere on anything, but I decided to forgo the common pillow and used my backpack as a cushion for my head. We had a nice nap as the ocean rocked us to sleep.

Check out my next post to discover where in the world we had arrived when we awoke!

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